An error occurred when performing a file operation read on file C:/home/`s-men`s work boots .json.
The cause of this exception was: C:/home/`s-men`s work boots .json (The system cannot find the file specified).
The error occurred in C:/home/ line 394
Called from C:/home/ line 5
Called from C:/home/ line 394
Called from C:/home/ line 5
392 : <cfif isDefined("url.category")>
393 : <cfset jsonFilePath = "#application.webrootpath#data\#url.category#.json">
394 : <cffile action="read" file="#jsonFilePath#" variable ="Message">
395 : <cfset products = deserializeJSON(Message)>
396 : <!--- <cfif CGI.Remote_Addr EQ ''><cfdump var="#products[1].Dept#"><cfabort></cfif> --->
Browser |
CCBot/2.0 ( |
Remote Address | |
Referrer |
Date/Time |
17-Feb-25 11:49 AM |